Force Majeure (2) – Paralysis.

Force Majeure (2) – Paralysis.

Paralysis_Advance Information Sheet Paralysis2

The second in my new Apocalyptic series, Force Majeure (2)- Paralysis. Kindle version due out tomorrow, 17 July 2015, Paperback within a few days after.


Following the catastrophic events of Purgatory, the UK has been thrown into confusion and chaos. As the country is ravaged by ferocious winter storms, food shortages and outbreaks of deadly disease, survival seems less and less likely. Some groups carry on, determined to find shelter, food or even just answers.

In London, the Bravo troop head underground, seeking out a government that may no longer exist. Headstrong Judy leads a group of survivors from the M4 in search of civilisation and along the way learns the horrific depths that humanity can sink to.

Tom, Andrew and their families are building their new lives in Exmoor National Park when they stumble into an unexpected discovery that could change everything…

In this chilling, dystopian story of disaster, endurance and human nature, Harvey Black expertly weaves together the lives of his characters as they struggle to withstand the hardships of a nuclear winter. Will anyone make it out alive? Should they even want to…?

Harvey Black (24)



What would happen if the UK was hit by over 300 megatons of nuclear missiles/bombs? What plans are in place to deal with the aftermath?


A typical Regional Government Headquarters – Chillmark

Harvey Black Force Majeure-Purgatory (1)

The Chilmark RGHQ.

The Chilmark Regional Government Headquarters served the eastern zone of the Number 7 South Western Home Defence Region, covering the counties of Avon, Wiltshire, Gloucestershire, Somerset and Dorset. It was designated as RGHQ 7.1.


Harvey Black Force Majeure-Purgatory (3)


Some great additional information can be found at Steve Fox’s, Struggle for Survival, site below.

Site and content is copyrighted to Harvey Black.



  1. Loved both of the Force Majeure books. Read them both in a weekend.

    I’m a massive fan of this sort of post-apocalyptic fiction.

    Am gutted that the next instalment won’t be out until mid 2016.

    1. Hi Nobby. Glad you enjoyed the first two in the series. There will be four in total. Sometimes I need a break, otherwise the content can start to become stale. I will start writing book 3 at the beginning of December. HB. Have you read the ‘Red Effect’ series? Apocalyptic with a different theme, but WW3 would be a pretty scary event.

  2. Yep. Read all three of those earlier in the year. Loved them too.

    I like these in the way that I used to love Tom Clancy and Larry Bond books.

    I hear what you say about going stale. Keep ’em coming as fast as you can but with the quality so far. Looking forward to the next two instalments.

  3. Hi Harvey,

    Any news on when the next Force Majeure book will be out?


    1. Hi. Due out in January. Would love to finish it sooner. Glad you enjoyed the previous two and thank you for your support. Cold War Redux – Deception due out at Christmas. HB

      1. Hi Harvey,

        Do you have a release date for the next instalment?


      2. Any news on a release date – am waiting anxiously, having recently re-read the first two books.

  4. Any update release date? Like Nobby I’ve been eagerly awaiting the next instalment.

    1. Hi Andy

      Currently writing book 3. 40,000 words. It will be out in March.
      Apologies for delay, but I am employed full time and work has been a bit hectic.
      End of next year i will be writing full time, so will make life easier.
      If you and Nobby send me an email address, I will ensure you both get a signed copy when published. 🙂

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